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Professional Licensure by State - Pennsylvania

  • Verify that your state is part of the National Association Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. If your state is not a party to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, your certification program will be evaluated against PA certification program guidelines.
  • Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying. Special note:  If applying for a certification in Special Education, you must already hold or qualify and apply for a Pennsylvania certificate in an appropriate content area.
  • Obtain all official transcripts (both bachelors and beyond) in college-sealed, unopened envelopes. A bachelor’s degree from a nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification. These will be used to verify:
  • Bachelor’s degree conferral
  • 3.0 GPA
  • Program completion and/or required coursework for certification
  • Student teaching/internship/practicum or field experience
  • Obtain a copy of your current and valid state certificate comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking if available.
  • Obtain a completed Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A as proof of completion of an educator preparation program approved for certification in the state in which the program was completed.
  • Confirm that the required content area test scores(s) and the basic skills assessments (reading, writing and mathematics) have been reported to PDE directly from the test administrator – ETS, ACTFL or ES Pearson. For test information, refer to the Certification Test and Score Requirements spreadsheet.
  •  Complete and submit the application in TIMS

Approval Status

Pima Community College’s Post Baccalaureate Teacher EducationProgram meets the academic requirements for initial certification.

State Website

Pennsylvania Licensure Website

Contact Information

Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Call PDE: 717-783-6788

Contact Form


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